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LISTEN: It’s Back To School Today In Prince George’s County – If you Have Your Shots

immunization count down photo pgcps

John Matthews

UPPER MARLBORO, Md. — (WMAL) Summer is over for most, but not all, students in Prince George’s County.

School opens Tuesday, but not for more than 6,000 students who have yet to receive mandatory immunizations.

“We have made efforts to let parents know as soon as possible, so we would not get down to the wire,” says county schools spokeswoman Raven Hill. “We started sending out letters last fall to let parents know of their child’s status,” she added.

School officials say no exceptions will be made for students without their shots. Several clinics were held over the summer to provide the immunizations, and two more are being held Tuesday and Wednesday this week to take care of tardy school children.

Students were allowed to start the school year in 2015 without their shots, but by the October 1 deadline, more than 3,000 students were still without immunizations. The school system pledged to hold a hard line this time around.

“Our policy is, “No shots, no school,”, says Hill.

Copyright 2016 by WMAL.com. All Rights Reserved. (Photo: Prince George’s County Public Schools)

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