LISTEN: KEN CUCCINELLI: Cruz Is A Better Candidate Who Represents A Broader Scope of Republicans

INTERVIEW — KEN CUCCINELLI –  former Virginia attorney general, Sen Ted Cuz adviser and delegate wrangler

  • TOPICS: Delegate math, Trump’s complaining about delegates and what’s happening at the RNC spring meeting in Florida
  • Cruz is in Frederick, MD today for a rally.  Cuccinelli is currently in MD and heading back to FL for RNC meeting today
  • Kasich: “Cruz is now mathematically eliminated” — just like me. Kasich’s campaign sent a tweet Wednesday afternoon highlighting an Associated Press report that found it’s now mathematically impossible for Cruz to win the nomination before the convention. “Now that Cruz is now mathematically eliminated, the only diff between him and Kasich is Kasich can defeat Clinton,” reads the tweet from the Ohio governor’s account.


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