WASHINGTON — (CNN) A Tucson man filed a lawsuit on Friday challenging the results of Arizona’s Presidential Preference Election.
John Brakey said in a statement the lawsuit alleges that officials improperly changed voters’ party affiliations that resulted in voters not being allowed to cast their ballots, failing to provide ballots to qualified voters and lack of security for voter databases.
The lawsuit filed in Superior Court calls on the certification of the election, which happened on April 4, to be canceled. He doesn’t want a new certification until “the election is properly conducted and in compliance with every Arizona law.”
He said the problems are significant enough to have altered the results for both Republicans and Democrats in the election.
Brakey said the defendants in the lawsuit include Secretary of State Michele Reagan, Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell and the Boards of Supervisors of all 15 Arizona counties.
The lawsuit comes a week after the Department of Justice announced it is investigating the problems surrounding the March 22 election in Maricopa County.
The DOJ sent a letter to Purcell’s office asking for information in connection to reports that voters had to wait for hours to cast their ballots and that there were longer wait times in minority areas. Brakey’s lawsuit is unrelated.
Many of the election problems were connected to a decision to cut the number of polling stations in Maricopa County from 200 to 60 — a 70 percent drop.
However, while the issues in Maricopa County have been well-publicized, Brakey said anomalies popped up in other counties.
“It’s very concerning and we need answers,” Brakey said in a statement. “I witnessed the hand count in Pima County. Crucial legal safeguards weren’t followed.”
Brakey said his lawsuit includes sworn statements by poll workers, voters and election experts.
Brakey co-founded Americans United for Democracy, Integrity and Transparency in Elections (AUDIT-AZ) in 2004.
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(Photo: CNN)