Cherry Blossom Tourist Crowd Brings Aggravation to Some DC Locals



Nicole Raz

WASHINGTON (WMAL) — Today marks peak bloom for DC’s iconic cherry blossoms. For locals, that means it’s time to take extra allergy pills and become an expert crowd navigator.

“Maneuvering the sidewalks through all the people is tough,” says one local resident. Even still, she prefers zigzagging the sidewalks to riding metro during cherry blossom season. “It’s too crowded.”

And for locals who are planning to take metro—some are preparing to be patient when it comes to sharing the escalators.

“What can you do?” one woman says.

But others, like this man, plan on educating them.

“In my head I curse them out, but I also say, ‘Excuse me, the left side is for walking.'”

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