WATCH: Pundit Criticizes Clinton Email Debate Question; Fails To Disclose His Own Clinton Ties


John Matthews

WASHINGTON — As the Justice Department continues its open-ended investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, a “Six Degrees of Separation”- like web is developing, involving a intermingled morass of political aides, media mouthpieces and lawyers who have links to the case.

We were reminded of this earlier this week, when Univision anchor Jorge Ramos challenged Clinton during the Democratic debate in Miami about the investigation.

“If you get indicted, will you drop out?” he asked her.

The former secretary of state was taken aback.

“Oh, for goodness,” Clinton said when Ramos pressed her on the issue. “It’s not going to happen. I’m not even answering that question.”

It’s believed Ramos is the first person to have put that question to Clinton during the campaign cycle, and it’s possible Clinton was blindsided by it because Ramos’ daughter, Paola, is a Clinton campaign employee – a fact that Ramos himself disclosed just before he popped the indictment question to the former Secretary of State.

If Ramos’ direct question was meant to showcase his journalistic independence, it certainly worked, and in fact became a burning question for the Cable TV talking heads this week.

Former NBC Meet The Press host David Gregory, who’s been making the rounds recently as a political pundit, was asked by CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Thursday whether Ramos’ question to Clinton was fair.

“I think it was a little too heavy,” Gregory replied. “I think there’s no reason to suspect that she’s even a target in a criminal probe. I thought it was a bit pointed as a question, and I think it was fair for her not to answer.”

Unlike Clinton, Gregory answered the question that was put to him. But unlike Ramos, Gregory failed to disclose that he too has a close connection to the Democratic frontrunner.

As WMAL host Chris Plante pointed out during his program Friday morning, Gregory is married to Beth Wilkinson, a D.C. attorney who happens to represent three former Hillary Clinton aides, including former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, in connection with possible litigation and investigations into Secretary Clinton’s emails.

So now you know.

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