Governor Hogan Calls For Mandate Reform; Backs Down on Presidential Pick


Caroline Tucker

ANNAPOLIS — (WMAL) Governor Larry Hogan held a press conference on Tuesday afternoon to fight back against efforts to increase state spending.

The Governor took questions as the House Appropriations Committee was expected to hold a hearing on his proposal to get rid of mandated spending when there is a revenue shortfall in the state.

Governor Hogan said on Tuesday that the mandated spending accounts for about 83-percent of the state’s entire operating budget.

But he went on to say that the Democrat-dominated legislature was working on bills to counter efforts to cut spending.

“It would appear that some members of the General Assembly are choosing to ignore fiscal responsibility altogether,” said Governor Larry Hogan, (R) Maryland.

He said that there are dozens of new bills that create mandated spending that would account for an added $3.7 billion dollars over the next four years.

“It’s the exact opposite of what our administration was sent here to accomplish,” said Gov. Hogan.

Beyond the budget quarrel, Governor Hogan was also asked about the presidential contests.

Would he support Donald Trump as the Republican nominee?

“Quite frankly, I am completely disgusted with national politics in both parties, Democrats and Republicans, not paying much attention. I am trying to focus here in Maryland,” he said.

When asked if New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was able to talk to him before backing Trump, he had this to say:

“We never really talked. I don’t know what he was thinking on that,” he said.

Governor Hogan said it is way too early to speculate on who he might choose for to serve as the next president.

(Photo: CNN)

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