Democrats, Republicans, Ready to Battle it Out in All-Important Virginia

virginia voting

Steve Burns

(WMAL) — One thing the two parties can agree on – winning Virginia is of paramount importance on the road to the White House. “We as Republicans know the only way we win the White House is to win Virginia and a few other states, and if we can’t do that, we don’t win,” Virginia GOP Director John Whitbeck told WMAL. “We expect the candidates to be all around Virginia for the next week or so.”

Whitbeck claimed Republicans have momentum going into Super Tuesday on March 1, thanks to record turnout levels seen in the early states.

“On the Democratic side, they have had less turnout than they’ve had in 2008 and 2012,” he said. “The enthusiasm and momentum is definitely on our side.”

“Yeah, well good luck with that,” said Virginia Democratic Party Director Susan Swecker. “They’ve had a lot more candidates than we have and if that’s what he’s selling, that’s fine. Our two Democrats have consistently turned out as many voters and caucus-goers as Republicans, even though the GOP field has been bigger.”

Swecker agreed, “the road to the White House leads through Virginia.” But in a supremely purple state, she said it is the Democrats with the momentum. “We have the enthusiasm and the vision for how we can build on the progress over the last seven years.”

Virginia wasn’t always like this, she said.

“When I first got started in politics, we were barely a blip on the radar. It used to be a done deal for Republicans,” she said. “There’s a lot more competition now, and that’s a good thing.”

Copyright 2016 by All Rights Reserved. (Photo: Bloomberg Media )


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