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LISTEN: STEVE HAYES: Trump Has Been On Every Side On Every Issue.

INTERVIEW — STEVE HAYES – Senior Writer, The Weekly Standard; Fox News Contributor

  • Winners/Losers of the GOP debate: So who won? The lack of a big moment probably means Trump is the de facto winner. Both Rubio and Cruz debated effectively, with Rubio showing his mastery of the subject matter and Cruz demonstrating his keen political instincts. Jeb Bush could probably be counted as a winner, though it’s not clear that it matters beyond one night.
  • The losers? Christie was less effective than he has been in previous debates. Fiorina, too. Kasich was a non-factor. Carson was soporific. And Rand Paul was a non-interventionist libertarian in a Republican debate that took place at a time of heightened anxiety about terrorism.


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