Virginia Muslims Threatened, Congressman Visits Mosque


Daniela Berson

MANASSAS — (WMAL) This week, a northern Virginia mosque received a threatening voice mail from someone claiming that they would kill Muslims in response to the San Bernardino shooting.

Today, Northern Virginia Representative Don Beyer will attend a prayer service with other congressmen in Falls Church to show solidarity with Virginia Muslims.

The Imam at Manassas Mosque, Abu Nahidian, said that the voicemail told him, “You will all be sorry. You will all be killed.”

Nahidian has tried to clear up misconceptions about the Virginia Muslim community but Manassas Mosque has been subjected to hate crimes in the past.

Meanwhile, Representative Beyer has encouraged his fellow congressmen to attend services at mosques to show support for Muslim communities.

He is attending today’s service at the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, where a man left a fake bomb last month.

Dar al-Hijrah is also known for its former imam, Anwar al-Awlaki, who left the mosque and joined al-Qaeda shortly after the September 11th attacks.

Copyright 2015 by All Rights Reserved. (PHOTO: U.S. Congress)

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