Hispanic Supporter: I Saw Trump In My Dreams


WASHINGTON — (CNN) A Colombian-born woman who exclaimed her support for Donald Trump alongside the GOP presidential candidate at a campaign event said on CNN that she had never spoken with Trump or his campaign staff before the encounter Thursday.

That is, aside from in her dreams.

“Three nights before he came to Las Vegas I told my husband, ‘Oh I have a dream, you cannot imagine, I saw Mr. Trump in my dreams,’ and I saw him, like I had the opportunity to give him a hug,” Myriam Witcher told CNN’s Brooke Baldwin on Friday.

Witcher had repeatedly written on Trump’s Facebook page to express her support, but said the Trump campaign never reached out to her before the event in Las Vegas.

Witcher took to the stage after Trump noticed she was holding an issue of People Magazine that features him and his family on the cover and Witcher exclaimed, “I am Hispanic and I vote for Mr. Trump. We vote for Mr. Trump!”

She said Friday that she was not at all concerned about Trump’s plan to deport all estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. or his comments that undocumented Mexican immigrants are “rapists” and “killers.”

“It doesn’t bother me at all. Mr. Trump he is 100% right,” she said. “He is our perfect man. He is my perfect man … everything he says is absolutely right.”

She said she was motivated to support Trump after reading his books and hearing about his charity work.

“He is our man sent from heaven. He’s a very very beautiful human being, beautiful heart, a lot of love and compassion,” she said.

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(Photo: CNN)

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