Obama Rips GOP Candidates as Anti-Union

With a patriotic greeter upon arrival in Anchorage.

WASHINGTON — (CNN) President Barack Obama touted the union movement on Monday and used harsh language to go after Republican presidential candidates in remarks celebrating Labor Day.

Without mentioning any of the GOP hopefuls by name, Obama lambasted Republicans for vilifying unions, including going after Scott Walker in what was a clear reference to the Wisconsin governor.

“He is bragging about how he destroyed collective bargaining rights in his state,” Obama said to boos. “He says that busting unions prepares him to fight ISIL. I didn’t make that up. He said that.”

“Really?” Obama said incredulously.

Later, the president announced he’d signed an executive order requiring federal contractors to provide their employees paid sick leave. The order is estimated to affect 300,000 Americans workers currently without paid sick leave.

In his speech he made nods to Boston sports, referencing Tom Brady “deflategate” win in the courts.

“Brady’s free,” he said, adding later: “Even Brady’s happy he’s got a union. They had his back. You know if Brady needs a union, we definitely need unions.”

And he made a jab at Bill Buckner’s infamous 1986 World Series error, saying allowing another government shutdown would be “like a groundball slipping through somebody’s legs.”

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(Photo: CNN)

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