Virginia DMV to Recall Confederate Flag License Plates


Confederate Battle Flag

Heather Curtis

WASHINGTON — (WMAL) In the wake of debate over the confederate flag, the Virginia DMV will be recalling license plates with the flag on them.

A judge overturned a 2001 ruling that said banning the plates would violate people’s first amendment rights.

The DMV is working with the Sons of Confederate Veterans to re-design the plates.

Once a new design is chosen, everyone with the Confederate flag plates will get the new plates in the mail along with a stamped envelope to return the old plates. People with the Confederate flag plates will 30 days to switch them out for the news ones.

“Once the new plates are issued the old design will be considered canceled, and driving with a canceled license plate is against Virginia law,” said Brandy Brubaker with the VA DMV.

While the DMV is urging people to return hate plates so they can be recycled, there’s no penalty for people who keep them as souvenirs.

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