KUDLOW: What was up with Rand Paul’s HAIR?


John Matthews

WASHINGTON — (WMAL) Republican Presidential candidate Rand Paul may have drawn attention to his knowledge of the Fourth amendment during Thursday night’s GOP debate, but at least one pundit was more distracted by what was on top of Paul’s head than what’s in it.

“He looked awful,” surmised CNBC host Larry Kudlow.

In an interview Friday with Newsmax TV host Steve Malzberg on WMAL’s Chris Plante show, Kudlow opined that the Kentucky Republican was failed by his stylist before he took to the debate floor.

“He needs somebody to deal with his hair, because he’s looking like a wild man,” said Kudlow. “It looks like he hadn’t washed his hair in three days, and he really needs a barber,” he added.

Kudlow did admit he himself is not an expert on the subject of coiffure.

“It’s not a real big problem for me. I can run a comb through my eight hairs,” he said.

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