Judge Orders Cosby To Testify In Suit Alleging Sexual Assault 40+ Years Ago


LOS ANGELES — (CNN) A California judge has ordered Bill Cosby to give a sworn deposition in a civil suit that alleges he sexually abused a teenage girl more than 40 years ago.

Judith Huth claims she was 15 years old when she was sexually assaulted by Cosby at the Playboy Mansion in 1974.

The court order says Cosby must answer questions under oath from Huth’s legal team on October 9. She will face questions from Cosby’s attorneys six day later on October 15.

Huth’s attorney Gloria Allred praised the court order that was dated Tuesday.

“We are pleased that we will now be able to move ahead without further delay on Ms. Huth’s case and we look forward to taking Mr. Cosby’s deposition on October 9. 2015,” Allred said in a statement.

Huth’s suit alleges that Huth was with a 16-year-old friend when they met Cosby while he was filming a movie at Lacy Park in Los Angeles. The suit also alleges Cosby invited the girls to his tennis club the next weekend where “he served them alcoholic beverages and played games of billiards” with Huth. The terms of the game were that she “was required to consume a beer every time Cosby won a game of billiards,” the suit says.

She claims that she and her friend both told Cosby their ages. The suit also alleges that Cosby then took the girls to the Playboy Mansion. While there, Huth claims she went to use a restroom in a bedroom, as directed by Cosby, and that when she emerged from the restroom, Cosby was sitting on the bed and asked her to sit next to him.

“He then proceeded to sexually molest her by attempting to put his hand down her pants, and then taking her hand in his hand and performing a sex act on himself without her consent,” the suit alleges.

Cosby, 78, has been publicly accused of sexual assault by over two dozen women. Many have claimed the actor gave them drugs without their knowledge. He has never been criminally charged and has vehemently denied wrongdoing.

In a decade-old deposition obtained by CNN last month, Cosby admitted he procured drugs to give to women he wanted to have sex with.

The deposition dates back to 2005 and 2006. In it, Cosby was questioned under oath by the attorney for Andrea Constand, who had accused the actor of rape.
While Cosby admitted during questioning that he acquired Quaaludes with the intent to give the sedatives to young women he wanted to have sex with, he did not admit to actually drugging any of his accusers.

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