Donald Trump Campaign Hires Michael Glassner as National Political Director

In an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper on Wednesday, July 22, 2015, Donald Trump--who created one of the most memorable moments of the 2016 campaign so far by sharing rival Lindsey Graham's cell phone number on national television--suggested he would shift his rhetoric as president.

NEW YORK — (CNN) The Donald Trump campaign announced Thursday the hiring of Michael Glassner to serve as its National Political Director.

“In addition to our great success in all the recent national polls, we have built a great team, ultimately driven by my message to Make America Great Again and Mr. Glassner will certainly be an asset to us as we further cement our dominance in the 2016 GOP field,” the presidential candidate said in a statement.

Glassner was an aide to former Sen. Bob Dole, serving as an adviser on his presidential campaigns in 1988 and 1996. He was also a former chief of staff for former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s PAC.

In 2000, he served as an adviser to the George W. Bush campaign in Iowa, and in 2008, he was the Director of Vice Presidential Operations for the John McCain campaign.

“I am proud and honored to have the opportunity to work with Donald J. Trump, the very definition of the American success story. Mr. Trump has set the standards of excellence in many arenas, including real estate, sports, and entertainment – and now, in American politics,” Glassner said in the statement.

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