WATCH: ‘Breaking Bad’ Actor To Run For Office In Albequerque


ALBEQUERQUE — (CNN) “Breaking Bad” actor Steven Michael Quezada says he is running for county commissioner in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

With plans to officially announce his run for the Bernalillo County Commission seat in Albuquerque on Wednesday via Facebook, he tweeted a link to his YouTube account for fans to tune in.

“Everyone knows me as an actor and comedian but the Albuquerque community knows me more as a community activist,” he said. “I was on the charter school board of education and I currently sit on the public schools board. I’m fighting for education and choices for kids.”

Quezada, who played DEA agent Steven Gomez on the hit AMC TV series,  is starting a year early, getting a head start to focus on issues that affect education initiatives in the area, like providing a community center for children.

He said his career won’t get in the way of doing what he does best: bringing people together.

“I’m good at that. I just won’t be able to take as many gigs or make as many movies but I’ll still work. Why would they expect me to quit my job? Why should that count me out?” he said.

Running as a Democrat, he said he believes that his career and life have prepared him for his big political move.

“I don’t think I’m better than anyone but I think I can add something. I grew up here. I grew up very poor and this community is important to me.”

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