Virginia Dominion Power to Use Drones for Inspections

Mini, jumping drones

Nicole Raz

WASHINGTON — (WMAL) In coming weeks, Virginia Dominion Power will start using drones to inspect power lines. Gov. Terry McAuliffe says this is just the beginning of what could be the next big industry in the Commonwealth.

“My goal is, listen, is there’s going to be a drone in every home I hope in the next ten years,” McAuliffe said on Richmond radio station WRVA.

He said his goal is a bit of a long shot, but he’s says Virginia should be a leader in breaking ground with unmanned aerial vehicle technology, or UAV.

“When I talk about building a new Virginia technology, cyber-security, big-data, the whole genome sequencing proteomics, in that is UAV.”

He said he’d like to see Virginia be the manufacturing hub for drones as well.

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