Dylann Roof to Face Hate Crime Charges in Charleston Shooting

Image from Dylann Roof's Manifesto

CHARLESTON, SC — (CNN) A federal grand jury in South Carolina has returned a 33-count indictment against Charleston church shooting defendant Dylann Roof, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced Wednesday.

The indictment charges Roof with federal hate crime and firearms charges, Lynch said.

Roof, 21, already faces a number of state charges in connection with the June 17 Bible study attack at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Nine people were killed, including the Rev. Clementa Pinckney, who also was a state senator.

His state trial is scheduled to start July 11, 2016.

Roof was captured in North Carolina the day after the attack and was brought back to South Carolina. Law enforcement officials have said he admitted to the killings.

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