Driving Tickets and Fines Revenue Down in D.C.

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Daniela Berson


WASHINGTON — (WMAL) The Metropolitan Police Department isn’t ticketing drivers like they used to.

Red-light camera tickets are at their lowest levels in seven years in the District, according to a study by AAA Mid-Atlantic.

Police issued 71,739 red-light camera citations in 2014, only a fraction of the 2,135,861 total citations issued that year.

John Townsend, Manger of Government and Public Affairs at AAA-Mid Atlantic, said that the decrease in red-light tickets stems from a combination of safe and tech-savvy drivers.

“They’re using apps to know where the red-light cameras are located, and they’re more app-savvy these days,” Townsend said.

He also stated that most of the red-light tickets come from cars making right turns on red or blocking the crosswalk at intersections.

The District is often criticized for it’s “draconian” approach to issuing tickets, as a dip in tickets issued means a decrease in revenue from paid fines.

Parking tickets are issued more frequently than red-light tickets, but the number issued in 2014 is also lower than in previous years.

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