Iran Negotiator: Nuclear Talks Likely to be Extended Through Weekend

John Kerry and Javad Zarif

VIENNA — (CNN) Nuclear negotiations will likely stretch in to the weekend, Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Friday.

“I doubt it will happen today,” Zarif told reporters in Vienna about reaching a deal. But when asked if negotiators would all be there on Monday Zarif yelled from a balcony “I hope not.”

This would be the latest extension for Iran nuclear talks, which have a Friday self-imposed deadline — and which followed missing two other previous deadlines.

Zarif made the comments after meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and the EU’s foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini in Vienna.

“We had a constructive meeting this morning with Secretary Kerry and Mogherini,” Zarif told reporters, saying “We are making progress.”

For his part, when asked about whether they’ll reach their existing Friday deadline, Kerry told reporters “We’re working hard. We’re pushing.”

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