Metro Won’t Allow Issue-Oriented Ads on Buses and Trains…For Now


WASHINGTON — Metro has announced it will NOT allow ANY issue-oriented advertising on buses and trains for the time being.

This is a statement just released from WMATA:

“Metro’s Board of Directors today acted to temporarily suspend all issue-oriented advertisements throughout the Metrorail and bus system until the end of the calendar year. During that time, the Authority will consider the role such ads play in Metro’s mission to deliver safe, reliable and equitable transportation service in the National Capital Region.

In the coming months, Metro will fully consider the impact that issue-related advertisements have on the community by gathering input from riders, local community groups and advocates. Metro will also carefully examine the legal concerns related to displaying, or discontinuing the display of, issue-related advertisements. Following this internal review and outreach period, the Board of Directors will make a decision about how to move forward with its advertising policy.”

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