Want Free Flights for the Holidays? It’s Possible with JetSmarter

(NEW YORK) — JetSmarter, which calls itself the “uber of private jets,” will offer free flights on Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve to anyone who downloads the JetSmarter app.

The company said about 100 planes total will be available and flights will be given away on a first-come, first-served basis. Flights will appear on the app as soon as they become available, most typically one day in advance but sometimes as far in advance as three days, though no flights have been given out yet.

Bottom line: Start opening and re-opening that app. Alternatively, a user can also sign up for push notifications for preferred destinations.

You don’t get to go anywhere you want. The company is looking to fill “empty leg” flights, or when an aircraft needs to reposition itself for its next customer or to return to its home base. For example, an aircraft may be in Miami, Florida but needs to get to New York City for a flight taking off.

Common itineraries include Los Angeles to Las Vegas, Miami to New York, New York to Boston, San Francisco to Los Angeles and Washington D.C. to New York.

There’s also the problem of getting home. More than likely, you’ll have to book a commercial flight to do so, and that will cost you money.

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