WMAL listeners have generously contributed millions of dollars to the Fisher House Foundation to help build houses for the families of our injured or ill service members or veterans as they receive treatment at military or VA hospitals. Group homes at Bethesda, Walter Reed, the VA, Dover AFB, and the more than 90 Fisher Houses across the country provide a comfortable place for loved ones to live while remaining close to their injured family members.
Once again, WMAL and the Fisher House Foundation are hosting the annual Fisher House Radiothon.
This year’s special Radiothon event can be heard on WMAL all day Thursday, December 5th and all day Friday, December 6th. You’ll hear inspiring stories from the families who have benefited from your kindness in the past.
Listen to WMAL December 5th and 6th as we once again host our Operation Fisher House Radiothon. Hear your favorite WMAL personalities as we host interviews and hear stories from the families of our injured or ill service members and Veterans who have benefited from your kindness in the past.
We hope you can also join us for a very special in-person broadcast of The Vince Coglianese Show will be on-location at Fair Oaks Mall during the closing hours of our Operation Fisher House Radiothon!
Please join us and, once again, show your support for those who serve our great nation.

Will Reynolds – current Fisher House Radiothon Board Member and Captain of the 2016 US Team at the Invictus Games lost his leg when a bomb blast went off while on foot patrol while deployed in Iraq in 2004. Will and his family stayed at the Walter Reed Fisher House.
Ben Breckheimer – Army veteran, mountaineer, and adventurer barely kept his leg after an IED strike. Ben and his family stayed at the Fisher House at the Brooke Army Medical Center. He now works as a surgical tech with the surgeon who saved his leg.
JP Lane – stayed at the Walter Reed and San Antonio Fisher Houses while learning to re-walk. Fisher House staff were part of his community during his recovery.

Toni Gross – whose son was killed while deployed in Afghanistan, stayed at the Dover Air Base Fisher House for the dignified transfer of her son’s remains. Toni now volunteers at the Tampa VA Fisher house.
Deona Sutterfield – Army veteran married to an Army retiree is also the mother and primary caregiver of Zachary Sutterfield, military dependent who suffered 3rd degree burns on over 70% of his body.
Linda Pierson – Army retiree stayed at the Albany Stratton VA Medical Center Fisher House when her retired Army husband needed almost two of high-dose radiation.

Special thanks to our friends at Leonardo DRS will be generously matching the first $50,000 donated on Thursday, Dec. 5th!

Thank you to our friends at Renter’s Warehouse who are a Hero’s Supporting Sponsor of this year’s Operation Fisher House Radiothon!
Thank you to our friends at The Wine Outlet who are a Hero’s Supporting Sponsor of this year’s Operation Fisher House Radiothon!

Special thanks to our friends at Fair Oaks Mall for allowing us to host The Vince Coglianese Show on-location during the closing hours of the 2024 Operation Fisher House Radiothon!