Larry O’Connor’s Daily Radar Report 06.28.18

Curious about today’s topics on The Larry O’Connor Show? Below are a few stories on the radar. Be sure to listen to The Larry O’Connor Show Monday – Friday 3pm – 6pm on WMAL.

Rosenstein vows to clean up DOJ after IG report, defends response to Russia probe requests (Fox News)

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein publicly vowed Thursday to hold wrongdoers accountable for the actions revealed in the recent watchdog report on the Clinton email case, while defending his agencies’ response to requests from congressional committees for documents related to the Russia investigation.

Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday. Rosenstein noted that he is always willing to testify before the committee, but said “today is not a happy occasion.”

Rosenstein said that in the latest DOJ inspector general’s report, it was revealed that some FBI officials “deviated from important principles.” [Read More]

Trump’s Supreme Court legacy could top Reagan’s (Washington Examiner)

President Ronald Reagan nominated the Supreme Court justice who upheld Roe v. Wade. President Trump could nominate the justice who overturns it.

That’s how unpredictable the politics of the Supreme Court can be. Reagan, the most conservative president since the New Deal, arguably did more than any other single political figure to make the Republican Party pro-life. President Trump, widely assumed to be a liberal Trojan horse during the 2016 GOP primaries, was until recently pro-choice.

Justice Anthony Kennedy also illustrates that unpredictability. He was the Reagan pick who wrote the majority opinion affirming Roe’s core holding. His retirement Wednesday opened the door for Trump to assemble the most conservative Supreme Court in history. [Read More]

‘Quit your jobs’: Protesters confront ICE workers at Washington headquarters (The Washington Post)

She looked the officers in the face, one by one, searching their eyes.

With a small but animated group of protesters at her back, Haydi Torres, 20, shouted questions through a megaphone: “Do you have children?” she asked the line of about a dozen officers. “Wouldn’t you do anything you had to to protect them?”

She asked whether they had heard the audio recording of children crying for their parents inside a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility. She asked how it made them feel. [Read More]

KASHUV & SCHLAPP: Our Educational Institutions Need To Be Laboratories Of Free Thought (The Daily Wire)

Free speech is under attack in our high schools and our universities. Counterintuitively, the acceptable discourse on campuses around the country has diminished rather than expanded as we have become a more scientifically and intellectually expansive society. This is a problem and one that can only be solved if conservatives create environments for discussing ideas and pushing against those that seek to narrow speech.

Our educational institutions are failing us. A high school’s primary purpose is to serve as a preparatory step to a university education, teaching skills such as critical thinking, writing, and tools for success beyond the confines of Eighth Period. Necessary to critical thinking is presenting and engaging with alternative viewpoints. This has two effects; it forces students to prod the four corners of their beliefs while also fortifying areas where they discover truth. Without free speech, students are unable to engage in this process. [Read More]


FBI lawyers instructed Peter Strzok during a congressional deposition on Wednesday not to answer “many, many questions” about his involvement in the Hillary Clinton and Russia investigations, said House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte.

“Unfortunately the FBI counsel in the room has instructed Mr. Strzok not to answer many, many questions, and that’s going to be a serious problem moving forward,” Goodlatte told Fox News’ Martha MacCallum. “So we will be raising questions with the FBI and the Department of Justice about why it is that their counsel is instructing Mr. Strzok not to answer questions.”

Strzok, the former deputy chief of counterintelligence at the FBI, testified for more than 10 hours about his roles in the Clinton and Trump-Russia investigations. He was also pressed about anti-Trump text messages he exchanged with his mistress, a former FBI lawyer named Lisa Page. [Read More]


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