DC Fire Department Evaluating Problems, Key Steps Forward

dc fire ems ambulance

Nicole Raz

WASHINGTON (WMAL) — Slow response times and failure in patient care have long plagued DC’s Fire Department. After a scathing resignation letter from a key official within the system, the DC Council will hear testimony Wednesday to figure out how to move forward.

Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie says step number one is to get answers.

“What we can do is figure out what needs to happen,” McDuffie told WMAL. “To see whether of not the Chief [of DC Fire and EMS Gregory Dean] can point to any specifics that have been done to address any of the issues that have been raised.”

Timothy Wilson with DC Fire and Rescue says the department is moving forward with lowering response times, partnering with a medical transportation company.

“Response times are an offshoot of availability, so once we have units that are available to respond, I think you’ll see that response times should come down,” he said.

McDuffie says, that’s a start, but there’s a lot more to it.

“Having a third party contractor in place was one part of the solution, but it does not speak to the underlying systemic issues that have to be addressed.”

It’s been less than a month since the department’s former Medical Director Dr. Jullette Saussy resigned with a scathing letter, laying out the ways in which the culture of the department is flawed.

“When Dr. Saussy says that some of the [emergency response] providers have not received any real training, then that is a glaring, red flag, and we have to get to the bottom of it,” McDuffie said.

The DC Council will hear testimony from Saussy, as well as officials from the Office of Unified Communications, Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, and Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

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